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EULER Format of Entries
EULER Application Profile

Version 0.4 (2002-10-01)

The EULER Application Profile consists of several namespaces:



EULER Format of Entries

Qualified Name of Metadata Element The human readable qualified name of the metadata element. This includes refinement and encoding scheme.
Syntax: Name of metadata element: name of element refinement (name of element encoding scheme).
If no refinement or encoding scheme exists, use "-" to indicate this.
Title: Alternative,
Date: Created (W3CDTF),
Title: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element The human readable unqualified name of the metadata element, without refinement or encoding scheme.
Rule: Use the simple name of metadata element. Specify the namespace of the element.
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement These qualifiers make the meaning of an element narrower or more specific. A refined element shares the meaning of the unqualified element, but with a more restricted scope. A client that does not understand a specific element refinement term should be able to ignore the qualifier and treat the metadata value as if it were an unqualified (broader) element.
Rule: Use the name of the refinement of the element. Specify the namespace of the refinement.
Namespace: dcterms
Encoding Scheme These qualifiers identify schemes that aid in the interpretation of an element value. These schemes include controlled vocabularies and formal notations or parsing rules. A value expressed using an encoding scheme will thus be a token selected from a controlled vocabulary (e.g., a term from a classification system or set of subject headings) or a string formatted in accordance with a formal notation (e.g., "2000-01-01" as the standard expression of a date). If an encoding scheme is not understood by a client or agent, the value may still be useful to a human reader.
Rule: Use the name of the encoding scheme of the element. Specify the namespace of the encoding scheme.
Namespace: dcterms
Data Exchange Identifier A string consisting of two or three capital letters. This string will be used as an unique identifier of the metadata element in particular for data exchange.
Rule: This shall be an project internal identifier which is computer readable. In-between an metadata set you have to use the Identifier as XML-Tag to mark a metadata element.
Example: If you have an metadata set about a resource with the tilte "Analysis", you need a line such like:
Obligation Obligation can be: mandatory (M), mandatory if applicable (MA), or optional (O).
"Mandatory (M)" ensures that some of the elements are always supported and "mandatory if applicable (MA)" means that this element must be supported if the information is available.
Repeatable State, if the metadata field is repeatable or not.
Definition Definition of metadata element.
Rule: Start first with the definition of the simple metadata element, continue with the definition of the refinement (if available) and finish with the definition of the encoding scheme (if available). Specify the namespace the definition derives from.
Example: e.g. Date: Created (W3CDTF)
dc1.1: A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource
dcterms: Date of creation of the resource
dcterms: W3C Encoding rules for dates and times - a profile based on ISO 8601
Comment Some additional explanation to the element.
Type of Metadata Element Metadata elements are categorised into two types: descriptive and administrative. Descriptive metadata describes the resource by itself. These informations are of interest for the end user; it makes the resource searchable. Administrative metadata describes the metadata set or provides some administrative information about resource.
Best Practice/Guidelines Recommendations of best use of this element for this metadata element, e.g. cataloging/syntax rules for this element.

Table of Contents

EULER Application Profile


Qualified Name of Metadata Element Title: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Title
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier TI
Obligation M
Repeatable no
Definition dc1.1: A name given to the resource.
Comment Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Title: Alternative (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Title: Alternative (-)
Name of Metadata Element Title
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement Alternative
Namespace: dcterms
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier TIA
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: A name given to the resource.
dcterms: Any form of the title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of the resource.
Comment This qualifier can include Title abbreviations as well as translations, vernacular title and subtitle.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Creator: Perlsonal Author (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Creator: Perlsonal Author (-)
Name of Metadata Element Creator
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement Personal Author
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier CR
Obligation MA
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
eulerq0.1: A person primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines The AACR2 rules are recommeded.

Creator: Corporate Author (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Creator: Corporate Author (-)
Name of Metadata Element Creator
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement Corporate Author
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier CA
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
eulerq0.1: A corporate primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Publisher: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Publisher: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Publisher
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier PU
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An entity responsible for making the resource available
Comment Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organisation, or a service.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:
[City [Country]:] Name

Contributor: Personal Contributor (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Contributor: Personal Contributor (-)
Name of Metadata Element Contributor
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement Personal Contributor
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier COP
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
eulerq0.1: A person responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
Comment Typically, this includs editors, translators, etc.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines The AACR2 rules are recommended.

Contributor: Corporate Contributor (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Contributor: Corporate Contributor (-)
Name of Metadata Element Contributor
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement Corporate Contributor
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier COC
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
eulerq0.1: A corporate entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
Comment Typically, this includs editors, translators, etc.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Subject: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Subject: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Subject
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier SU
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The topic of the content of the resource.
Comment The topic of the content of the resource specfied by keywords and keyphrases.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Not full text. Any keyword, not necessarily from a controlled vocabulary.

Subject: - (LCSH)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Subject: - (LCSH)
Name of Metadata Element Subject
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme LCSH; see: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Namespace: dcterms
Data Exchange Identifier SUL
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The topic of the content of the resource.
dcterms: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Subject: - (MSC)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Subject: - (MSC)
Name of Metadata Element Subject
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme MSC; see: 2000 Mathematic Subject Classification
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Data Exchange Identifier SUM
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The topic of the content of the resource.
eulerq0.1: Mathematics Subject Classification Scheme
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Subject: - (DDC)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Subject: - (DDC)
Name of Metadata Element Subject
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme DDC; see: Dewey Decimal Classification
Namespace: dcterms
Data Exchange Identifier SUD
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The topic of the content of the resource.
dcterms: Dewey Decimal Classification
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Subject: - (CCS)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Subject: - (CCS)
Name of Metadata Element Subject
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme CCS; see: Computing Classification System
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Data Exchange Identifier SUC
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The topic of the content of the resource.
eulerq0.1: Computing Classification System
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Description: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Description: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Description
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier DE
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An account of the content of the resource.
Comment Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content or a free-text account of the content.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Not the full text of the web resource or such like.

Date: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Date: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Date
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier DA
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource.
Comment Typically, Date will be associated with the creation or availability of the resource. This entry depends on the type of the resource. For a monograph it means the date of publication. For a homepage it means the date of last modification.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:
The recommended Syntax is: YYYY[-MM[-DD]] (ISO 8601).

Type: - (EULER-Type)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Type: - (EULER-Type)
Name of Metadata Element Type
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme EULER-Type
Namespace: eulerq0.1

The following list of type are allowed. Some of them are more relevant for the EULER project (and might be used as search help, e.g. eligible in a list over resource types)
  • Text
  • Text.Abstract
  • Text.Article
  • Text.Homepage
  • Text.Monograph
  • Text.Preprint
  • Text.Proceedings
  • Text.Serial
  • Text.TechReport
  • Text.Thesis
  • Image
  • Image.Moving.Film
  • Software
  • Software.Executable
  • Software.Source
  • Data.Numeric
  • Text.x-Separatum (Separatum)
  • Text.x-Patentspec (Patent Specification)
  • Text.x-Bibliography
  • Text.x-LectureNotes
  • Text.x-Review
  • Text.x-Reference
Data Exchange Identifier TY
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The nature or genre of the content of the resource.
Comment Type includes terms describing general categories, functions, genres or aggregation levels for content.
The EULER specific types includes some of the DCMI Type Vocabulary and provides an refinement for some of them.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Format: - (Physical carrier)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Format: - (Physical carrier)
Name of Metadata Element Format
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme Physical carrier
Namespace: eulerq0.1

The following list of type are allowed. It contains the suggested types in the projects list of relevant EULER specific physical carriers:
  • printed material
  • hand-written material
  • cdrom
  • dvd
  • (dia)slide
  • diskette
  • film
  • audio
  • microfiche
  • microfilm
  • video
  • object
  • internet
  • media combination
Data Exchange Identifier FOP
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The physical or digital manifestation of the resource.
eulerq0.1: The physical manifestation of the resource.
Comment Physical carrier of information. The reason for applying this EULER-invented sub-field is that the end-user should be able to conclude if the resource described in the bibliographic record (displayed in the hitlist) is available online or not. Example: book (= paper) -is the physical description (compared to monograph which is an entity, irrespective of how it is "delivered", in a printed version (paper) or in a file).
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Format: - (IMT)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Format: - (IMT)
Name of Metadata Element Format
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme IMT; see: Internet Media Type
Namespace: dcterms
Data Exchange Identifier FO
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: The physical or digital manifestation of the resource.
dcterms: The internet media type of the resource.
Comment This field is only significant for electronic resources.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Identifier: - (URN)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Identifier: - (URN)
Name of Metadata Element Identifier
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme URN; see: Uniform Resource Name
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Data Exchange Identifier IDN
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
eulerq0.1: Uniform resource name (URN) of resource described in the record.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Identifier: - (ISSN)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Identifier: - (ISSN)
Name of Metadata Element Identifier
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme ISSN; see: International Standard Serial Number
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Data Exchange Identifier IDS
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
eulerq0.1: International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of resource described in the record.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Identifier: - (ISBN)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Identifier: - (ISBN)
Name of Metadata Element Identifier
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme ISBN; see: International Standard Book Number
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Data Exchange Identifier IDB
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
eulerq0.1: International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of resource described in the record.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Identifier: - (URL)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Identifier: - (URL)
Name of Metadata Element Identifier
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme URL; see: Uniform Resource Locator
Namespace: eulerq0.1
Encoding Scheme URL
Data Exchange Identifier IDL
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition dc1.1: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
eulerq0.1: Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of resource described in the record or where it can be acquired.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Language: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Language: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Language
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier LA
Obligation O
Repeatable no
Definition dc1.1: A language of the intellectual content of the resource.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:
Recommended for the syntax is: ISO 639-1 (2 letter code).

Rights: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Rights: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Rights
Namespace: dc1.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier TC
Obligation O
Repeatable no
Definition dc1.1: Information about rights held in and over the resource.
Comment Typically, a Rights element will contain a rights management statement for the resource, or reference a service providing such information. Rights information often encompasses Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyright, and various Property Rights.
If the Rights element is absent, no assumptions can be made about the status of these and other rights with respect to the resource.
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Metadata Creation Date: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Metadata Creation Date: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Metadata Creation Date
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier DMC
Obligation O
Repeatable no
Definition euler0.1: Date of the creation of the original metadata record.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element administrtive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:
YYYY[-MM[-DD]] (ISO 8601).

De-duplication Identifier: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element De-duplication Identifier: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element De-duplication Identifier
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier IDE
Obligation O
Repeatable no
Definition euler0.1: EULER-own resource identifier (in order to find duplicates).
Comment The De-dublication Identifier is not necessarily unique.
Type of Metadata Element administrative
Best Practice/Guidelines EULER specific scheme generated by automated procedure, called the ISO tool.

EULER Identifier: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element EULER Identifier: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element EULER identifier
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier IDF
Obligation O
Repeatable no
Definition euler0.1: The purpose of this field is to identify the resource in other ways than those provided by the other fields. This can be serial name, page-, issue- or volume-numbers for journal articles or similar.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Can be used differently in different databases, e.g. ISO 4.

Event Name: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Event Name: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Event Name
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier EN
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Name of event where the document was created resp. the document is dialing with.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Event Location: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Event Location: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Event Location
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier EL
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Location of event for/at which the resource described in the record was created.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Event Date: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Event Date: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Event Date
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier ED
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Date of event for/at which the resource described in the record was created.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -

Record Source: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Record Source: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Record Source
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier RS
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Name of the information provider the source is delivered from; followed bei an provider specific internal id.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:
Name of information provider: internal id

Record Source URL: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Record Source URL: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Record Source URL
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier OI
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Identifier of source record for the description delivered in EULER. URL pointing back to the original record at information providers' site.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:

Record Creator: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Record Creator: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Record Creator
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier RC
Obligation O
Repeatable no
Definition euler0.1: Creator of the metadata record describing the resource.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element administrtive
Best Practice/Guidelines The AACR2 rules are recommended.

Address of Delivery Information: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Address of Delivery Information: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Address fo Delivery Information
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier DI
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Meant to give the URL to the library where the resource described in the record can be acquired. (Pointer to online-order forms etc.)
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines Syntax:

Additional Retrieve/Delivery Information: - (-)

Qualified Name of Metadata Element Additional Retrieve/Delivery Information: - (-)
Name of Metadata Element Additional Retrieve/Delivery Information
Namespace: euler0.1
Refinement -
Encoding Scheme -
Data Exchange Identifier DID
Obligation O
Repeatable yes
Definition euler0.1: Additional information that a user and a local library need to retrieve/deliver the resource described in the record.
Comment -
Type of Metadata Element descriptive
Best Practice/Guidelines -



©2001, 2002 EULER Consortium
Supported by the IST Programme of the European Community: Project EULER-TAKEUP (IST-2000-29445)