David Loeffler | |
On local zeta-integrals for GSp(4) and GSp(4) x GL(2) |
1 |
Amin Geng, Shoumin Liu, and Xumin Wang | |
Characteristic polynomials and finite dimensional representations of simple Lie algebras |
24 |
Pintu Debnath and Sayan Goswami | |
Combined exponential patterns in multiplicative IP* sets |
38 |
Shubham R. Bais and D. Venku Naidu | |
Integral representation of angular operators on the Bergman space over the upper half-plane |
42 |
Simon Brun and Thomas Willwacher | |
Graph homology computations |
58 |
E. Campedel, A. Caranti, and I. Del Corso | |
Hopf-Galois structures on extensions of degree p2q and skew braces of
order p2q: the elementary abelian Sylow p-subgroup case |
93 |
Bin Gui | |
Sewing and propagation of conformal blocks |
187 |
Hirofumi Nakai and Douglas C. Ravenel | |
The method of infinite descent in stable homotopy theory II |
231 |
Ankush Goswami | |
Gauss circle problem over smooth integers |
270 |
Anthony Gauvan | |
Kakeya-type sets for geometric maximal operators |
295 |
Livio Liechti | |
On the minimal spectral radii of skew-reciprocal integer matrices |
307 |
K. Arun Kumar | |
Construction of the motivic cellular spectrum KOgeo over Spec(Z) |
323 |
Helena Heinonen, Roshan Klein-Seetharaman, and Minghan Sun | |
Optimal connectivity results for spheres in the curve graph of low and medium complexity surfaces |
351 |
J. Assim, Z. Boughadi, and A. Driwach | |
Twisted analogue of the Kummer-Leopoldt constant |
369 |
Justin R. Peters | |
Singly generated radical operator algebras |
398 |
Yoshiyasu Ozeki | |
Bounds on torsion of CM abelian varieties over a p-adic field with values in a field of p-power roots |
422 |
Mubariz Garayev | |
On the invertibility of operators on a model space |
436 |
Juliana Bukoski | |
Free semigroupoid algebras from categories of paths |
451 |
Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel | |
ADO invariants directly from partial traces of homological representations |
481 |
Andrew Ronan | |
Completion preserves homotopy fibre squares of connected nilpotent spaces |
502 |
Donald M. Davis and W. Stephen Wilson | |
The cohomology of the connective spectra for K-theory revisited |
513 |
Hui Xue | |
Linear independence between odd and even periods of modular forms |
521 |
Lewis Molyneux, Brita Nucinkis, and Yuri Santos Rego | |
The sigma invariants for the golden mean Thompson group |
532 |
Nikita A. Karpenko | |
On Spin(2023)-torsors |
550 |
Leo Benard, Vincent Florens, and Adrien Rodau | |
A slope invariant and the A-polynomial of knots |
561 |
Nic Brody and Kasia Jankiewicz | |
Generalized residual finiteness of groups |
583 |
Yuxiang Ji | |
Small angle limits of negatively curved Kahler--Einstein metrics with crossing edge singularities |
593 |
Anh T. Tran and Nisha Yadav | |
Canonical components of character varieties of double twist links J(2m+1, 2m+1) |
625 |
Lindsay N. Childs | |
Skew left braces and the Yang-Baxter equation |
649 |
Josh Southerland | |
Shrinking targets on square-tiled surfaces |
656 |
Emilio A. Lauret and Benjamin Linowitz | |
The spectral geometry of hyperbolic and spherical manifolds: analogies and open problems |
682 |
Debattam Das and Krishnendu Gongopadhyay | |
Reciprocity in the Hecke groups |
722 |
Mirela Jukić Bokun and Ivan Soldo | |
Extensions of D(-1)-pairs in some imaginary quadratic fields |
745 |
W. S. Gant and Ben Williams | |
Spaces of generators for the 2 x 2 complex matrix algebra |
756 |
L. A'Campo, S. Baader, L. Ferretti, and L. Ryffel | |
Two strand twisting |
774 |
Sushmanth J. Akkarapakam and Patrick Morton | |
Periodic points of algebraic functions related to a continued fraction of Ramanujan |
783 |
Arturas Dubickas | |
Polynomials with integral Mahler measures |
828 |
Lance Nielsen | |
Feynman's operational calculus in topological algebras |
844 |
Jiahe Chen, Bo Li, Bolin Ma, Yinhuizi Wu, and Chao Zhang | |
Boundary behaviour of Neumann harmonic functions with Lebesuge, Hardy and BMO traces in the upper half-space |
897 |
Jacob Cornejo and Kathryn McCormick | |
Classifying matrix-valued holomorphic cross-sections over an annulus up to complete isometric isomorphism |
925 |
David Michael Roberts | |
Homotopy types of topological stacks of categories |
940 |
Alex Weygandt | |
Rapid decay for principal etale groupoids |
956 |
Ryan Dickmann | |
Automatic continuity of pure mapping class groups |
979 |
Arpita Nayek, A. J. Parameswaran, and Pinakinath Saha | |
On the automorphism group of a G-induced variety |
998 |
Rachel Pries and Douglas Ulmer | |
Correction to "On BT1 group schemes and Fermat curves" |
1024 |
Alex Kumjian, David Pask, and Adian Sims | |
Erratum to "Higher-rank graph C*-algebras" |
1029 |
Moshe Cohen and Adam M. Lowrance | |
The average genus of a 2-bridge knot is asymptotically linear |
1032 |
Heybetkulu Mustafayev | |
Weight ergodic theorems for power bounded measures on locally compact groups |
1056 |
Anthony Conway | |
A criterion for double sliceness |
1079 |
Subha Sandeep Repaka | |
On reducibility of induced representations of odd unitary groups: the depth zero case |
1100 |
Niels Kowalzig | |
Cyclic duality between BV algebras and BV modules |
1140 |
Ido Efrat | |
Cohomology and the combinatorics of words for Magnus formations |
1177 |
Qiang Tu, Xiaohuan Mu, and Tiexin Guo | |
The random Markov-Kakutani fixed point theorem in a random locally convex module |
1196 |
Hoang Thanh Nguyen | |
Finite height subgroups of extended admissible groups |
1220 |