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Volume 2 (2007), No. 1

1. Operads in iterated monoidal categories

Stefan Forcey, Jacob Siehler and E. Seth Sowers, 1-43

2. More on five commutator identities

G. Donadze and M. Ladra, 45-55

3. The associative operad and the weak order on the symmetric groups

Marcelo Aguiar and Muriel Livernet, 57-84

4. Equalizers in the category of cocomplete cocategories

Bernhard Keller and Oleksandr Manzyuk, 85-97

5. Rational formality of function spaces

Micheline Vigué-Poirrier, 99-108

6. A Comparison Theorem for Simplicial Resolutions

Julia Goedecke and Tim Van der Linden, 109-126

7. Minimal Finite Models

Jonathan Ariel Barmak and Elias Gabriel Minian, 127-140

8. Equivariant stable stems for prime order groups

Markus Szymik, 141-162

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