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Using the JHRS Class File


The JHRS class file is a standard LaTeX class file designed to produce articles for the JHRS, A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute's electronically distributed journal.

Using the class file

The file is used in a very similar way to the standard article class. It has some differences, mainly in an extended range of "front matter" commands to specify authors, addresses, received dates, and other such information.

A typical file may start something like the example shown bellow:

% LaTeX-2e; 12pp. Amsmath, XY.


\title{Title of Article}          % Title of Document

\author{First Author}             % First Author
\email{fauthor@some.domain}       % First Author's email
\address{Mathematics Department\\ % First Author's postal address
         Some University\\

\author{Second Author}            % Second Author
\email{sauthor@some.domain}       % Second Author's email
\address{Some Department\\ 	  % Second Author's postal address
         Other University\\

% AMS 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification

% Keywords of the article
\keywords{Homology, Homotopy}

% Abstract comes before maketitle
% Abstract text 

\received{Day Month Year}   % receive date (for example: 11 October 1999)
\revised{Day Month Year}    % receive date
\published{Day Month Year}  % publish date
\submitted{Name of Editor}  % Name of Journal's Editor, who submitted Article 

\volumeyear{2000} % Volume Year
\volumenumber{1}  % Volume Number 
\issuenumber{2}   % Issue Number

\startpage{1}     % PageNumber of first page


% Text of Document.

Class Options

The format is always single column 10pt, for a fixed page size.

This option redefines the \le and \leq commands to use the form that amssymb calls \leqslant. The original form is still available as \oldleq. (Similar changes for greater than or equals.)

Front Matter

Standard article class uses one command, \author to specify all authors and all addresses. This makes specifying multiple authors inconvenient and so this class, in common with most other journal class files, abandons this in favour of having each author specified in separate \author commands.

\author{full name}
Each author is specified by such a command. The optional argument is for compatibility with classes that place author names in the running head. It is currently ignored by this class. (As it is intended for on screen viewing, it uses a `one sided' layout.)

\email{email address}
Each author may optionally be followed by this command to specify an email address.

\homepage{WWW address}
Each author may optionally be followed by this command to specify a homepage address.

\address{Full Postal Address}
After each group of authors sharing a postal address, this command should be used.

\thanks{footnote text}
First page footnote may be specified using \thanks. Note that unlike the article class, this command should not be used inside the arguments of the \author or \address commands. Also note that such first page footnotes have no footnote mark. The text of the footnote should make it clear what is being referred to.

\keywords{comma separated keyword list}
The author may specify keywords of the article.

\classification{comma separated classification list}
The author should give AMS 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications.

Article abstract. Must be specified before \maketitle.

Dates at which the article progressed through the system.

\volumeyear{year (four digit)}
Volume Year

Volume number

The issue of the journal for which the article is destined.

The first page number.

LaTeX versions

This class file should work with any release of the LaTeX version 2e.

This class file will not work with the previous version of LaTeX, (LaTeX 2.09). LaTeX 2.09 is not supported and should no longer be used. If you can not upgrade your LaTeX installation, prepare your manuscript using the basic article style. The document will then be converted to standard LaTeX before being processed by the journal.

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