Geometry and percolation on half planar triangulations
We analyze the geometry of domain Markov half planar triangu-lations. In [5] it is shown thatthere exists a one-parameter family ofmeasures supported on half planar triangulations satisfying translation invariance and domain Markov property. We study the geometry of these maps and show that they exhibit a sharp phase-transition inview of their geometry atα = 2/3. For α < 2/3, the maps form atree-like stricture with infinitely many small cut-sets.For α > 2/3,we obtain maps of hyperbolic nature with exponential growth andanchoredexpansion. Some results about the geometry of percolation clusters on such maps and random walk on them are also obtained.
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Pages: 1-28
Publication Date: May 31, 2014
DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v19-3238
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