Multidimensional fractional advection-dispersion equations and related stochastic processes
Roberto Garra (Sapienza, University of Rome)
In this paper we study multidimensional fractional advection-dispersion equations involving fractional directional derivatives both from a deterministic and a stochastic point of view. For such equations we show the connection with a class of multidimensional Lévy processes. We introduce a novel Lévy-Khinchine formula involving fractional gradients and study the corresponding infinitesimal generator of multi-dimensional random processes. We also consider more general fractional transport equations involving Frobenius-Perron operators and their stochastic solutions. Finally, some results about fractional power of second order directional derivatives and their applications are also provided.
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Pages: 1-31
Publication Date: July 12, 2014
DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v19-2854
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