Local limits of conditioned Galton-Watson trees: the infinite spine case

Romain Abraham (Université d'Orléans)
Jean-François Delmas (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Université Paris-Est)


We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence in distribution of a conditioned Galton-Watson tree to Kesten's tree. This yields elementary proofs of Kesten's result as well as other known results on local limit of conditioned Galton-Watson trees. We then apply this condition to get new results, in the critical and sub-critical cases, on the limit in distribution of a Galton-Watson tree conditioned on having a  large number of individuals with out-degree in a given set.

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Pages: 1-19

Publication Date: January 3, 2014

DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v19-2747


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