Percolation on uniform infinite planar maps

Laurent Ménard (Université Paris Ouest)
Pierre Nolin (ETH Zürich)


We construct the uniform infinite planar map (UIPM), obtained as the $n \to \infty$ local limit of planar maps with $n$ edges, chosen uniformly at random. We then describe how the UIPM can be sampled using a "peeling" process, in a similar way as for uniform triangulations. This process allows us to prove that for bond and site percolation on the UIPM, the percolation thresholds are $p^{\textrm{bond}}_c=1/2$ and $p^{\textrm{site}}_c=2/3$ respectively. This method also works for other classes of random infinite planar maps, and we show in particular that for bond percolation on the uniform infinite planar quadrangulation, the percolation threshold is $p^{\textrm{bond}}_c=1/3$.

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Pages: 1-27

Publication Date: September 2, 2014

DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v19-2675


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