Markov chain approximations for transition densities of Lévy processes
Matija Vidmar (University of Warwick)
Saul Jacka (University of Warwick)
We consider the convergence of a continuous-time Markov chain approximation $X^h$, $h>0$, to an $\mathbb{R}^d$-valued Lévy process $X$. The state space of $X^h$ is an equidistant lattice and its $Q$-matrix is chosen to approximate the generator of $X$. In dimension one ($d=1$), and then under a general sufficient condition for the existence of transition densities of $X$, we establish sharp convergence rates of the normalised probability mass function of $X^h$ to the probability density function of $X$. In higher dimensions ($d>1$), rates of convergence are obtained under a technical condition, which is satisfied when the diffusion matrix is non-degenerate.
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Pages: 1-37
Publication Date: January 13, 2014
DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v19-2208
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