Volume 12
Book Number:
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Volume Title:
Volume 12
- An algorithm for model-based denoising of input-output data
- An explicit univariate and radical parametrization of the sextic proper Zolotarev polynomials in power form
- Approximation results by multivariate sampling Kantorovich series in Musielak-Orlicz spaces
- Fast and accurate computation of divided differences for analytic functions, with an application to the exponential function
- Learning with subsampled kernel-based methods: Environmental and financial applications
- On generalized least square approximation
- On the Lebesgue constant of the trigonometric Floater-Hormann rational interpolant at equally spaced nodes
- Rate of convergence of multinode Shepard operators
- Smoothing exponential-polynomial splines for multiexponential decay data
- Truncation of computational domains as an error control strategy for approximating option pricing involving PIDEs