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Pritsker, I. E. (2018). Zeros of lacunary random polynomials. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(4), 73-78. presented at the 11/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-4-7
PDF icon Pritsker_DRNA2018.pdf (190.23 KB)
Okayama, T., & Tanaka, K. ’ichiro. (2022). Yet another DE-Sinc indefinite integration formula. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(3), 105-116. presented at the 10/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-3-10
PDF icon 10_okayama.pdf (321.99 KB)
Draganov, B. R. (2023). Voronovskaya estimates for convolution operators. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 16(2), 38-51. presented at the 01/2023. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2023-2-4
PDF icon 05_COMSS_22_Draganov.pdf (316.49 KB)
Wirtz, D., & Haasdonk, B.. (2013). A Vectorial Kernel Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 6(Special_Issue), 83-100. presented at the 09/2013. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2013-Special_Issue-10
PDF icon WirtzHaasdonk-2013-VKO.pdf (803.04 KB)
Rack, H. - J. (2013). Variation on a Theme of Chebyshev: Sharp Estimates for the Leading Coefficients of Bounded Polynomials. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 6(Special_Issue), 101-119. presented at the 09/2013. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2013-Special_Issue-11
PDF icon Rack-2013-VTC.pdf (333.59 KB)
Rossini, M. (2022). Variably scaled kernels: an overview. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(4), 61-72. presented at the 12/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-4-6
PDF icon 06_60thDM.pdf (1.37 MB)
Bos, L., De Marchi, S., & Waldron, S.. (2009). On the Vandermonde Determinant of Padua-like Points. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 2(1), 1-15. presented at the 09/2009. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2009-1-1
PDF icon Bos-2009-OTV.pdf (259.71 KB)
Campagna, R., Bayona, V., & Cuomo, S.. (2020). Using local PHS+poly approximations for Laplace Transform Inversion by Gaver-Stehfest algorithm. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 13(1), 55-64. presented at the 12/2020. doi:10.14658/PUPJ-DRNA-2020-1-7
PDF icon CampagnaBayonaCuomo_2020_UPA.pdf (288.27 KB)
Karsli, H. (2021). On Urysohn type Generalized Sampling Operators. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 14(2), 58-67. presented at the 04/2021. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2021-2-8
PDF icon KarsliMATA2020.pdf (287.67 KB)
Boyvalenkov, P. G., Dragnev, P. D., Hardin, D. P., Saff, E. B., & Stoyanova, M. M.. (2015). Universal upper and lower bounds on energy of spherical designs. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 8(Special_Issue), 51-65. presented at the 11/2015. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2015-Special_Issue-6
PDF icon Saff_etal_10YPDPTS.pdf (274.54 KB)
Bos, L., & Ware, A.. (2018). On the Uniqueness of an Orthogonality Property of the Legendre Polynomials. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(1), 37-42. presented at the 04/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-1-5
PDF icon BosWare_2018_UOP.pdf (189.53 KB)
Dencker, P., & Erb, W.. (2017). A unifying framework for interpolation on general Lissajous-Chebyshev points. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(Special_Issue). presented at the 06/2017.
PDF icon DRNA2017_Erb_UFI.pdf (1009 KB)
Amoroso, E., Candito, P., & D’Aguì, G.. (2022). Two positive solutions for a nonlinear Robin problem involving the discrete p−Laplacian. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(5), 1-7. presented at the 12/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-5-1
PDF icon AMOROSO_et_al.pdf (241.24 KB)
Candito, P., D’Aguì, G., & Livrea, R.. (2021). Two positive solutions for a nonlinear parameter-depending algebraic system. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 14(2), 10-17. presented at the 04/2021. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2021-2-3
PDF icon CanditoDaguiLivreaMATA2020.pdf (144.55 KB)
Conte, D., Pagano, G., & Paternoster, B.. (2022). Two classes of linearly implicit numerical methods for stiff problems: analysis and MATLAB software. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(2), 66-80. presented at the 10/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-2-6
PDF icon 06_DRNA_SA2022.pdf (470.3 KB)
Safdari-Vaighani, A. (2019). Truncation of computational domains as an error control strategy for approximating option pricing involving PIDEs. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 12(1), 68-72. presented at the 07/2019. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2019-1-7
PDF icon Safdari-Vaighani_2019_TCD.pdf (217.53 KB)
Levenberg, N. (2012). Ten lectures on weighted pluripotential theory. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 5(Special_Issue), 1-59. presented at the 09/2012. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2012-Special_Issue-1
PDF icon Levenberg-2012-WPT.pdf (607.05 KB)
Bayraktar, T., Coman, D., Herrmann, H., & Marinescu, G.. (2018). A survey on zeros of random holomorphic sections. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(4), 1-19. presented at the 11/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-4-1
PDF icon Bayraktar_etal_DRNA2018.pdf (481.24 KB)
Erb, W., Kaethner, C., Dencker, P., & Ahlborg, M.. (2015). A survey on bivariate Lagrange interpolation on Lissajous nodes. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 8(Special_Issue), 23-36. presented at the 11/2015. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2015-Special_Issue-4
PDF icon Erb_etal_10YPDPTS.pdf (964.86 KB)
Hormann, K. (2012). Subdivision surfaces. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 5(Special_Issue). presented at the 09/2012.
PDF icon Hormann-2012-Lecture4.pdf (612.29 KB)
Dietz, A., Peters, J., Reif, U., Sabin, M., & Youngquist, J.. (2023). Subdivision Isogeometric Analysis: A Todo List. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(5), 145-157. presented at the 01/2023. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2023-5-12
PDF icon DIETZ_et_al.pdf (1.87 MB)
Chen, Q., & Prautzsch, H.. (2013). Subdivision by WAVES – Weighted AVEraging Schemes. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 6(Special_Issue), 9-19. presented at the 09/2013. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2013-Special_Issue-3
PDF icon ChenPrautzsch-2013-SBW.pdf (946.38 KB)
Hormann, K. (2012). Subdivision as a linear process. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 5(Special_Issue). presented at the 09/2012.
PDF icon Hormann-2012-Lecture1.pdf (919.24 KB)
Acu, A. - M., Rasa, I., & Şteopoaie, A. Emilia. (2023). Strongly convex squared norms. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 16(2), 23-25. presented at the 01/2023. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2023-2-3
PDF icon 03_COMSS_22_Acu-Rasa.pdf (183.34 KB)
Piazzon, F., & Vianello, M.. (2018). Stability inequalities for Lebesgue constants via Markov-like inequalities. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(1), 1-9. presented at the 02/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-1-1
PDF icon PiazzonVianello_2018_SIL.pdf (329 KB)
