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Baran, M., & Kowalska, A.. (2022). Spectral norms in spaces of polynomials. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(4), 1-9. presented at the 12/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-4-1
PDF icon 01_60thDM.pdf (251.06 KB)
De Marchi, S., Erb, W., & Marchetti, F.. (2017). Spectral filtering for the reduction of the Gibbs phenomenon for polynomial approximation methods on Lissajous curves with applications in MPI. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(Special_Issue), 128-137. presented at the 06/2017. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2017-Special_Issue-13
PDF icon DeMarchiErbMarchetti_DRNA2017.pdf (577.55 KB)
PDF icon 00_60thDM.pdf (2.74 MB)
Cuyt, A., & Lee, W. -shin. (2014). Sparse Interpolation. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 7(Special_Issue). presented at the 09/2014.
PDF icon canazei2014-prn.pdf (3.98 MB)
Bittens, S. (2017). Sparse FFT for Functions with Short Frequency Support. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(Special_Issue), 43-55. presented at the 05/2017. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2017-Special_Issue-7
PDF icon Bittens_DRNA2017.pdf (315.55 KB)
Occorsio, D., & Themistoclakis, W.. (2021). Some remarks on filtered polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev nodes. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 14(2), 68-84. presented at the 04/2021. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2021-2-9
PDF icon OccorsioWoulaMATA2020.pdf (207.38 KB)
Baribeau, L., & Ransford, T.. (2018). Some open problems in the theory of analytic multifunctions. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(4), 116-121. presented at the 11/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-4-10
PDF icon Ransford_DRNA2018.pdf (211.51 KB)
Alpan, G., & Goncharov, A.. (2017). Some Open Problems Concerning Orthogonal Polynomials on Fractals and Related Questions. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(Special_Issue), 13-17. presented at the 05/2017. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2017-Special_Issue-3
PDF icon AlpanGoncharov_DRNA2017.pdf (204.87 KB)
Chen, M., Ling, L., & Su, Y.. (2022). Solving interpolation problems on surfaces stochastically and greedily. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(3), 26-36. presented at the 10/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-3-4
PDF icon 04_chen.pdf (1.3 MB)
Cantarini, M., Costarelli, D., & Vinti, G.. (2020). A solution of the problem of inverse approximation for the sampling Kantorovich operators in case of Lipschitz functions. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 13(1), 30-35. presented at the 03/2019. doi:10.14658/PUPJ-DRNA-2020-1-4
PDF icon CantariniCostarelliVinti_2020_SPI.pdf (183.69 KB)
Cavoretto, R., De Rossi, A., Lancellotti, S., & Perracchione, E.. (2022). Software Implementation of the Partition of Unity Method. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(2), 35-46. presented at the 10/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-2-4
PDF icon 04_DRNA_SA2022.pdf (655.36 KB)
Cavoretto, R., & De Rossi, A.. (2022). Software for Approximation 2022 (SA2022). Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(2), I-II. presented at the 10/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-2-0
PDF icon 00_DRNA_SA2022.pdf (972.15 KB)
Hormann, K. (2012). Smoothness analysis. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 5(Special_Issue). presented at the 09/2012.
PDF icon Hormann-2012-Lecture3.pdf (260.09 KB)
Ricco, L., Rigoni, E., & Turco, A.. (2013). Smoothing Spline ANOVA for Variable Screening. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 6(Special_Issue), 130-139. presented at the 09/2013. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2013-Special_Issue-13
PDF icon RiccoRigoniTurco-2013-SSA.pdf (203.69 KB)
Campagna, R., Conti, C., & Cuomo, S.. (2019). Smoothing exponential-polynomial splines for multiexponential decay data. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 12(1), 86-100. presented at the 09/2019. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2019-1-9
PDF icon CampagnaContiCuomo_2019_SES.pdf (666.05 KB)
Bos, L. (2017). A Simple Recipe for Modelling a d−cube by Lissajous curves. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(1), 1-4. presented at the 03/2017. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2017-1-1
PDF icon Bos_2017_SRM.pdf (529.92 KB)
Bos, L., & Vianello, M.. (2010). On simple approximations to simple curves. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 3(1), 1-6. presented at the 09/2010. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2010-1-1
PDF icon Bos-2010-OSA.pdf (246.32 KB)
Heidari, M., Mohammadi, M., & De Marchi, S.. (2021). A shape preserving quasi-interpolation operator based on a new transcendental RBF. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation. presented at the 08/2021, Padova, IT: Padova University Press. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2021-1-6
PDF icon HeidariMohammadiDeMarchi_2021_SPQ.pdf (993.59 KB)
Caratelli, D., & Ricci, P. E.. (2022). On a set of sine and cosine Fourier transforms of nested functions. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 15(1), 11-19. presented at the 11/2022. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2022-1-2
PDF icon CaratelliRicci_2022_FTNF.pdf (11.18 MB)
Facca, E., Martínez, Á., Perracchione, E., & Piazzon, F.. (2018). Seminari Padovani di Analisi Numerica SPAN18. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(3), 1-2. presented at the 11/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-3-1
PDF icon FaccaMartinezPerracchinePiazzon_DRNA2018.pdf (1.66 MB)
Baran, M., Białas-Cież, L., Eggink, R., Kowalska, A., la Nagy, B., & Pierzchała, R.. (2017). Selected open problems in polynomial approximation and potential theory. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(Special_Issue), 161-168. presented at the 06/2017. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2017-Special_Issue-15
PDF icon BaranCiezEgginkKowalskaNagyPierzchała_DRNA2017.pdf (237.22 KB)
Bedford, E., & Frigge, P.. (2018). The Secant Method for Root Finding, Viewed as a Dynamical System. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 11(4), 122-129. presented at the 12/2018. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2018-4-11
PDF icon Bedford_DRNA2018.pdf (243.41 KB)
Kroó, A.. (2017). Schur type inequalities for multivariate polynomials on convex bodies. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 10(1), 15-22. presented at the 06/2017. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2017-1-3
PDF icon Kroo_2017_STI.pdf (230.49 KB)
Dell'Accio, F., & Di Tommaso, F.. (2016). Scattered data interpolation by Shepard’s like methods: classical results and recent advances. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 9(Special_Issue), 32-44. presented at the 10/2016. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2016-Special_Issue-5
PDF icon DellAccioDiTommaso_KMFA2016.pdf (422.2 KB)
Agarwal, P., Ahsan, S., Akbar, M., Nawaz, R., & Cesarano, C.. (2021). A Reliable Algorithm for solution of Higher Dimensional Nonlinear (1 + 1) and (2 + 1) Dimensional Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 14(2), 18-25. presented at the 04/2021. doi:10.14658/pupj-drna-2021-2-4
PDF icon CesaranoetalMATA2020.pdf (220.94 KB)
