An extremal subharmonic function in non-archimedean potential theory

TitleAn extremal subharmonic function in non-archimedean potential theory
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsStawiska, M
JournalDolomites Research Notes on Approximation
Date Published12/2021
PublisherPadova University Press
Place PublishedPadova, IT
ISSN Number20356803

We define an analog of the Leja-Siciak-Zaharjuta subharmonic extremal function for a proper subset E of the Berkovich projective line P1 over a field with a non-archimedean absolute value, relative to a point ζ ̸∈ E. When E is a compact set with positive capacity we prove that the upper semicontinuous regularization of this extremal function equals the Green function of E relative to ζ. As a separate result, we prove the Brelot-Cartan principle, under the additional assumption that the Berkovich topology is second countable
