Balkan Journal of Geometry
and Its Applications
Volume 19 (2014), No. 1
ISSN 1224-2780 (printed version)
ISSN 1843-2875 (online version)
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Ovidiu Calin, Constantin Udriste, Ionel Tevy
A stochastic variant of Chow-Rashewski Theorem on the Grushin distribution,
pages: 1-12.PDF file
Bang-Yen Chen and Sharief Deshmukh
Geometry of compact shrinking Ricci solitons,
pages: 13-21.PDF file
Christopher Terence John Dodson
A review of some recent work on hypercyclicity,
pages: 22-41.PDF file
Yusuf Gurtas
Slopes of Lefschetz fibrations and separating vanishing cycles,
pages: 42-53.PDF file
Graham Hall
Geodesics and the geometry of manifolds,
pages: 54-61.PDF file
Hyang Sook Kim, Jung-Hwan Kwon and Jin Suk Pak
Indefinite Kahler manifolds with the Krupka-type curvature tensor,
pages: 62-72.PDF file
Xingda Liu and Shaoqiang Deng
The antipodal sets of compact symmetric spaces,
pages: 73-79.PDF file
Senajji Kampalappa Narasimhamurthy, Ambale Rajegowda Kavyashree and Mallikarjun Yallappa Kumbar
Characterization of locally dually flat Ist approximate Matsumoto metric,
pages: 80-87.PDF file
Miguel Ortega Titos, Francisco Jose Palomo Ruiz and Alfonso Romero Sarabia
Componentwise conformal vector fields on Riemannian almost product manifolds,
pages: 88-99.PDF file
Paul Popescu and Marcela Popescu
On some classes of foliations,
pages: 100-106.PDF file
Ali Suri and Hossein Abedi
Connections on 2-osculator bundles of infinite dimensional manifolds,
pages: 107-116.PDF file
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Last update: 9 June 2014
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