Balkan Journal of Geometry
and Its Applications
Volume 15 (2010), No. 1
ISSN 1224-2780 (printed version)
ISSN 1843-2875 (online version)
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Anania Aron, Mircea Craioveanu, Camelia Pop and Mircea Puta
Quadratic and homogeneous Hamilton-Poisson systems on A_{3,6,-1}^*,
pages: 1-7. PDF file
Vladimir Balan and Mircea Neagu
Jet geometrical extension of the KCC-invariants,
pages: 8-16. PDF file
Ioan Bucataru, Matias F. Dahl
A geometric space without conjugate points,
pages: 17-40. PDF file
Liviu Florin Dinu and Marina Ileana Dinu
Gasdynamic regularity: some classifying geometrical remarks,
pages: 41-52. PDF file
S.L. Druta and V. Oproiu
Tangent sphere bundles of natural diagonal lift type,
pages: 53-67. PDF file
D. Krupka and M. Krupka
Higher order Grassmann fibrations and the calculus of variations,
pages: 68-79. PDF file
Olga Krupkova and Radka Malikova
Helmholtz conditions and their generalizations,
pages: 80-89. PDF file
Ousama Malouf
On the classification of singular flat structures on surfaces,
pages: 90-103. PDF file
Vasile Oproiu
Hyper-Kahler structures on the tangent bundle of a Kahler manifold,
pages: 104-119. PDF file
Cornel Pintea
Some properly critical subsets of Euclidean spaces,
pages: 120-130. PDF file
Monica Pirvan and Constantin Udriste
Optimal control of electromagnetic energy,
pages: 131-141. PDF file
Marcela Popescu and Paul Popescu
Lagrangians and higher order tangent spaces,
pages: 142-148. PDF file
D.J. Saunders
Horizontal forms on jet bundles,
pages: 149-154. PDF file
Constantin Udriste
Equivalence of multitime optimal control problems,
pages: 155-162. PDF file
Chang-jian Zhao and Mihaly Bencze
The Aleksandrov-Fenchel type inequalities for volume differences,
pages: 163-172. PDF file
Last update: March 28, 2010
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