Balkan Journal of Geometry 
and Its Applications 

Volume 10 (2005), No. 1

Homagial volume dedicated
to the Romanian mathematician Gheorghe Tzitzeica

ISSN 1224-2780
[the electronic edition * PDF files]

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Commemorative Discourses

  1. Foreword
    pages: iii-v. PDF
  2. V. Preda, Opening statement (Cuvânt de deschidere)
    pages: vi-vii. PDF

  3. L. Nicolescu, Opening statement,
    pages: viii-ix. PDF

  4. K. Teleman, Homage to Gheorghe Tzitzeica,
    page: x. PDF

  5. Historical Notes

  6. V. Cruceanu, Research works of Romanian mathematicians on centro-affine geometry,
    pages: 1-5. PDF

  7. F. Nicolescu and L. Nicolescu, Gheorghe Tzitzeica - Romanian scientist of international recognition,
    pages: 6-10. PDF
  8. L. Nicolescu, Gh. Vranceanu, Gheorghe Vranceanu - successor of Gheorghe Tzitzeica at the Geometry chair of the University of Bucharest,
    pages: 11-20. PDF

  9. N. Soare, Gheorghe Tzitzeica and Affine Differential Geometry,
    pages: 21-23. PDF
  10. N. Soare, Geometry - an irreductible component of Culture,
    pages: 24-27. PDF

  11. N. Soare, Recent research in Affine Differential Geometry,
    pages: 28-31. PDF

  12. G.T. Pripoae and G. Radu, Gheorghe Tzitzeica - an incomplete bibliography,
    pages: 32-56. PDF

  13. A.M. Teleman
    Mathematics and crystallography,

    pages: 57-58, AMS Subject Classification: 58J70, 53C99, 35A15.

  14. K. Teleman, On the mathematical work of Gheorghe Tzitzeica,
    pages: 59-64. PDF

  15. P. Verstraelen, Geometry and Vision,
    pages: 65-68. PDF

Papers Related to the Work of Gheorghe Tzitzeica

  1. V.Balan and S.A.Vilcea, The Tzitzeica surface as solution of PDE systems
    pages: 69-72, AMS Subject Classification: 58J70, 53C99, 35A15.

  2. N. Bîla
    Symmetry groups and Lagrangians associated with Tzitzeica surfaces,

    pages: 73-91, AMS Subject Classification: 58J70, 53C99, 35A15.

  3. M. Crasmareanu
    Tzitzeica figuratrices in Hamilton Geometry,

    pages: 92-97, AMS Subject Classification: 53A07, 53C60.

  4. L. Nicolescu
    Champs presque m - speciaux dans l'algebre associee a un champ tensoriel
    du type (1,2),

    pages: 98-107, AMS Subject Classification: 53B20, 53B21.

  5. K. Teleman and A.M. Teleman
    Tzitzeica -- Backlund theorems,

    pages: 108-109, AMS Subject Classification: 53A07, 53A20, 53A25.

  6. C. Udriste
    Tzitzeica theory - opportunity for reflection in Mathematics,

    pages: 110-120, AMS Subject Classification: 58J70, 35A15, 53C99.

Contributions Dedicated to the Event

  1. E.I. Hirica
    On some special vector fields,

    pages: 121-126, AMS Subject Classification: 53B05, 53B20, 53B21.

  2. L. Nicolescu
    Une extension d'un theoreme concernant les metriques pseudoriemanniennes conformes,

    pages: 127-130, AMS Subject Classification: 53B20, 53B21.

  3. L. Nicolescu et T.V. Oprea
    Quelques remarques sur les connexions semi-symetriques metriques,

    pages: 131-144, AMS Subject Classification: 53B20, 53B21.

  4. S.M. Osnaga
    On rank one matrices and invariant subspaces,

    pages: 145-148, AMS Subject Classification: 15A03.

  5. C. Pintea, Homology and homotopy groups of the complement of certain family of fibers in a critical point problem,
    pages: 149-154, AMS Subject Classification: 55R05, 55Q05,55N10.

  6. C.L. Pripoae and G.T. Pripoae,
    Generalized invexity on differentiable manifolds,

    pages: 155-164, AMS Subject Classification: 90C30.

  7. O. Simionescu-Panait, Cross effects in mechanics of solid continua,
    pages: 165-174, AMS Subject Classification: 74E15, 74J30.

  8. C. Sterbeti
    Higher order Osserman pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of neutral signature (2,2),

    pages: 175-178, AMS Subject Classification: 53A45, 53C35, 53C50.


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