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Mihai Anastasiei, Hideo Shimada, Beil Metrics Associated to a Finsler Space pages: 1-16, AMS Subject Classification: 53C60, PDF
A. Arvanitoyeorgos, Einstein Equation for an Invariant Metric on Generalized
Flag Manifolds and Inner Automorphisms pages: 17-22, AMS Subject Classification: 53C25, 53C30, 17B05, PDF
Theodor Birsan, Applications of Bravis-Browder Principle to the Existence
of Fixed Points and Endpoint for Multifunctions pages: 23-32, AMS Subject Classification: 54H25, PDF
David Blair, Domenico Peronne, Conformally Asonov Flows in Contact Metric Geometry pages: 33-46, AMS Subject Classification: 53C15, 58F15, 70G05, PDF
Sergiu Corbu, Mihai Postolache, Dynamical Systems on Vector Bundles pages: 47-56, AMS Subject Classification: 60A10, 65C20, PDF
Oltin Dogaru, Mona Doroftei, Ionel Tevy, Vladimir Dogaru, Abstract Linear Dependence pages: 57-68, AMS Subject Classification: 03B30, 15A99, PDF
Mircea Geanau, Rational Representations of Some Algebraic Varieties of
M-Orthogonal Groups pages: 69-74, AMS Subject Classification: 20G20, PDF
Fernando Etayo, Radu Rosca, R.Santamaria, On Closed Concircular Almost Contact Riemannian Manifolds pages: 75-88, AMS Subject Classification: 53C15, 53B20, 53C55, PDF
J.X. da Cruz Neto, L.L. de Lima, P.R. Oliveira, Geodesic Algorithms in Riemannian Geometry pages: 89-100, AMS Subject Classification: 49M10, 90C30, 53C21, PDF
H.S. Kim, Y.S.Pyo, On Real Hypersurfaces of Type A in a Complex Space Form (III) pages: 101-110, AMS Subject Classification: 53C40, PDF
Y.S. Pyo, J.Y. Lee, On Finite Type Closed Curves on the Pseudo-Hyperbolic Space H3 (-c2) pages: 111-120, AMS Subject Classification: 53C50, PDF
Constantin Udriste, Nicoleta Bila, Symmetry Lie Group of the Monge-Ampere Equation pages: 121-134, AMS Subject Classification: 58G35, 35A30, PDF
Izu Vaisman, Variations on the Theme of Twistor Spaces pages: 135-156, AMS Subject Classification: 53C15, 53C50, 53C80, PDF