M. Acu, D. Blezu - A preserving property of the Alexander operator
D. Andrica, M. Piticari - R-Sequences and applications
N. Breaz, D. Breaz -Testing on the recurrence of coefficients in the linear regressional model
D. Breaz, N. Breaz - The starlikenes properties for integral operators
T. Cătinaş - Trivariate approximation operators on cube by parametric extensions
L. Căbulea, M. Todea - Generalizations of Durrmeyer type
E. Ceuca - Dual voltage in automotive and implications of electrical load with this voltage
M. Chiş - Evolutionary hierarchical clustering technique
C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu -A questions on the distribution of points on a curve over a finite field
N. Crainic
- Ordering of some subsets
used in the multidimensional
interpolation theory
I. Florea, R. Zurgalău - Gams language in description of method of minimum total variation
C. Groşan, D. Dumitrescu - A comparison of multiobjective evolutionary algoritms
S. Mera, N. Mera - On the fundaental theorem of algebra. Proof based on topologym
I. M.
Nichita, F. F. Nichita- Some problems on combinaltional logical circuits
T.U. Ursales -Mathematical methods of calculation used in computational chemistry