Adrian Constantinescu - Homage to the memory of professor Gheorghe Galbura
Florin Ambro - Recent advances in the theory of minimal models
Ana Maria Acu - About an intermediate point property in some quadrature formulas
Nicoleta Breaz, Mihaela Aldea - On the smoothing spline regression models
Cristian Anghel - Restriction of stable bundles on a Jacobian of genus 2 to an embedded curve
Ion Al. Craciun - Propagation of stress waves in elastic solids
Cosmin Pelea - Products of multialgebras and their fundamental algebras
Omer Onalan - Equivalent martingale measures for Levy processes
Daniele Ettore Otera - Some remarks on the ends of groups
Virgil Pescar, Daniel Breaz - Some integral operators and their univalence
Ionel Mos - Multiple Hamiltonian structures for the Ishii's equation
Afrodita Iorgulescu - Monadic involutive pseudo-BCK algebras
Luminita Grecu - A boundary element approach for the compressible fluid flow around obstacles
Bazil Parv- The architecture of software systems and computing curricula
Maria Parv - PLANFIN - a decision support system for bondportfolio selection
Lucia Cabulea - Some properties of the Schurer type operators
Mircea Dimitrie Cazacu - Bondary mathematical problems in viscous liquid three-dimensional flows
Dorin Andrica, Mihai Piticari - On some interesting trigonometric sums
Adrian Petrescu - G-n-quasigroups
Adrian Petrescu - G-n-quasigroups and functional equations on quasigroups
Svetlana Topalova, Stela Zhelezova - On an algorithm for a double-resolvability test
Tadayuki Sekine, Shigeyoshi Owa and Rikuo Yamakawa - Notes on integral means inequalities
Tsetska Rashkova - The Robson cubics for matrix algebras with involution
Ilie Valusescu - On nonstationary periodically correleted processes in complete correlated actions
Liepa Bikulciene, Zenonas Navickas - Practice of operator relationships in symbolical calculus
Camelia Madalina Balaeti - A class of holomorphic functions defined by integral operator
Adela Ionescu, Mihai Costescu - Some qualitative features of 2D periodic mixing model
Adrian Sandovici - Characterizations of nonnegative selfadjoint extensions
Zdravko Dimitrov Slavov - The fixed point property in convex multi-objective optimization problem